Kimo's CP 25 inclined liquid column manometer measures slight variations in pressure, depression or differential pressure of air or gas. It is specially designed for checking clogging of filters in painting booths.
Kimo's GF range of vertical liquid column manometers check for pressure in gas networks.
Kimo's VH range of inclined liquid column manometers measure slight variations in pressure, depression or differential pressure of air or gas. They are recommended for checking the clogging of filters in the ventilation and dust elimination industry.
Kimo's TX range of inclined liquid column manometers measure slight variations in pressure, depression or differential pressure. They are recommended for measuring overpressures and depressions in clean rooms, operating blocks, laboratories, aseptic rooms, laminar flows etc.
Kimo's LU range of vertical liquid column manometers are mainly for measuring variations of pressure, depression or differential pressure of air or gas within measurement ranges that vary according to the type of manometric liquid used: AWS.10 or VOLT.1S.
Kimo's MT range of inclined liquid column portable manometers are recommended for those in the heating trade for checking pressures in chimney flues, combustion chambers, filters etc.
Kimo's HP range of inclined liquid column manometers are recommended for measuring overpressures in clean rooms, operating blocks, laboratories, aseptic rooms, laminar flows etc.
Kimo's TJ range of vertical liquid column manometers are used for measuring variations of pressure, depression or differential pressure of air or gas within a measurement range. These may vary depending on the type of manometric liquid used: AWS.10 or VOLT.1S.
Kimo's KX series are inclined liquid column manometers with AWS.10 manometer liquid with a density of 0.87. Inclined liquid column manometers measure slight variations in pressure, depression or differential pressure of air or gas.
Kimo's KM series are portable manometers with vertical liquid columns. They are easy to carry, measure low pressure in gas networks and come with a bottle of VOLT.1S liquid.
Kimo's MG series are inclined liquid column manometers with AWS.10 manometer liquid with a density of 0.87. Inclined liquid column manometers measure slight variations in pressure, depression or differential pressure of air or gas.
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